Adelina Drandeva
Hello, I am Adelina, the founder and CEO of Smoking Hub and one of its authors. I have over 10 years of experience in smoking various products, including cigars, cigarillos, cigarettes, hookah, and vaping. I enjoy tobacco products for the social and relaxing experience. Cigarillos are more of a once-a-day habit, while smoking hookah and cigars are for special me-time or social occasions where the right tobacco product is paired with a meal, drink, conversation, or all of the above.
I treasure my time and aim to get quality experiences, which is especially important in tobacco culture. Finding essential information on choosing the right tobacco products, how to store them, how to enjoy them, and many other related topics are at the heart of creating this website.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me at adelinadrandeva@smoking-hub.com.

Oliver Jones PhD
Oliver Jones, content creator and editor. My passion for smoking has deep roots: my grandfather was a tobacco curer, and my first job was as a tobacconist. Ever since my grandfather introduced me to Cuban cigars in the 90s, I've been captivated by the relaxed enjoyment and rich culture surrounding them. My favorite cigar? It's always the next premium blend I try, and the same goes for pipes. So here I am, sharing my lifetime of knowledge and experience to help you discover your next favorite cigar or pipe.
You can reach out to me for questions anytime via oliverjones@smoking-hub.com.

Milan Alvarez
I'm Milan - author and editor at Smoking Hub. The idea of a place where you can find all the essentials about the tobacco experience is very close to my heart. I'm not a long-time smoker, but a passionate one. Familiarizing myself with the cigar, pipe and hookah terms allows me to dive deeper into the smoking experience, making it more complex and profound. I'd love to take you on a journey into the world of quality tobacco products so that you can experience the ultimate relaxation and enjoyment out of your smoking sessions. Let’s dive in!